Bravo! You have purchased the beginner course, but I have something else for you ....
One time Offer
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One time Offer
Forex Fast Track
Video Package
1,000€ 97€
Repeat 300-500 EUR Trades
with 6 Winning Pattern
Do you see 1 Most Repeated Pattern?
With Todays technology, Im able not only to share our course on the VOD (Video on Demand) but also Live Recordings of Repeated Winning Trades (doing Trades from €500 to €45,000).
Pick Winning Pattern No. 2
With Todays technology, I can share share Live Recordings from Repeated Winning Trades (Trades from €500 to €45,000).
15 Years ago it wasn’t possible to show you Live Charts and real Trades Online. Now it is happening.
Every Video our Course is available for You 24/7 to see it multiple times.
# 500 courses in this Prices
[ 1000 EUR is just for this course release ]
Our Clients' Trades

Results from our students
Is our course for Beginners?

You don’t need any previous Economic or Trading experience.
Since 2010 I am helping Proprietary Trading companies and private Investors to achieve Trading Results in 2 weeks
Can You See the Repeating Pattern?

Winning pattern used in trade (our student)

Client Trades

We have 100 clients since 2010 and 3 Schools in 2 Continents THREE
- 1. Start trading in 1st hour of the Course
- 2. Learn 6 Most Repeated Patterns
- 3. Watch 67 Videos of Technical Analysis and Trade Examples
- 4. Know how to use 80%-90% Probability
- 5. Learn where exactly to Enter Positions
- 6. Know the Exit Points
- 7. Learn Technical Analysis (Read Clear Charts)
- 8. Make €700-€1200 per Day
- 9. Read Economic News and Trade with it
- 10. Repeat Winning Patterns
Learn fully, how to Repeat the Pattern in 2 weeks!
Start trading in 1st hour of the Course
Can you spot Two Repeating Patterns?

This Pattern occurs at various Instruments like EUR/EUR, Oil, Gold, Bitcoin, S&P500, Stocks..

What can You expect in the Course?

- You will Learn to Identify and Use most Repeated Pattern
- I will teach you exactly, when to Enter and Exit the positions, while trading the Winning Pattern
- You will find in the Course, not only hours of Video materials on 6 Winning Patterns,
but also Recorded Live Trades and details of Technical Analysis.
You can see below results from our students
since the year 2010.
Results of our Clients

It is incredible. You can take Advantage of Repeated Trading, you can use my experience –
12 years of professional trading as a private Investor and Trader at Proprietary Trading Company.
If You take a look at Results of this practice, our students earn €700-€1,200 every day on average.
Garrison - Thanks You to Mike, it has changed many things

Rafael: Trade EUR/CAD

Tom: Winning Pattern at Gold

# 82 % Increase Winning Trades
[ 1000 EUR is just for this course release ]
- 1. Day Trader Making (€700-€1200 a Day) at Home
- 2. Have Certified Investing Skills
- 3. Know How To Read Clear Charts Perfectly
- 4. Be Able To Work In Any Trading Firm Worldwide
- 5. Be Able to Work In A Bank or On A Trading Floor
6. Know How To Teach Trading To Others
(Institutions, Individuals, Trading Companies, Banks)
See what People think of the Course!

Myself and hundreds of clients in our group use REPEATING PATTERNS strategy since 2010
€21,600 trade with one of Repeated Patterns
About me

Mike wisniewski


Most of the time I live in a jungle

I love beach
- I Founded in 2010
- Formerly working in CitiGroup
- Former Proprietary Trading Company
- I am Trading Futures, Forex, Stocks, Crypto Markets
- I teach Trading in Banks, Brokerage, Prop Shops

My personal life changed completely since 2010
Take a glimpse how it presents itself now
When I started there was no Youtube
or Trading Courses Online

But don’t allow, that small or Big issues will stop You.
Never Stop.. - It’s the way of success..
Today I meet new people every day!
But in 2012 I moved to live in Carrabean. It paid off. Few years of hard work, really paid off. You don’t have to do all that I have been thru.
Now You can use the simple schematix of Winning Patterns, to Accelerate your trading by 5 years. Learn to make first €1000 in 3-4 weeks, Repeatedly.

3 Full Video Courses

Forex Edge + Forex Fast Track
are THREE courses
that will change your Trading,
will change your life.
Thanks to everything I discovered and adapted at the forex market during years 2008-2012 of professional trading, in 2012, I started earning €10,000-20,000 every month. Nowadays it is much more.
Very often I share results of single trades, that were €6000. The most profitable Trades goes up to €45,000 (maybe it’s already a little, or much more when you are reading this)
One of the Indices: DAX at €25,995 Profit point

And our students after the Mentoring Course are repeating the same transactions in our group.

No Pain No Gain

- I am a boss to myself
- I travel the world
- I spend my time independently
- I spend time how I want and with who I want
- I'm not worried about my pension
- I own my financial model which is my source of income
- 1. Forex Edge: The One Winning Pattern [€4,997 Value]
- 2. Meta Trader Software Secrets [€497 Value]
- 3. Forex Fast Track Secrets [€1,497 Value]
- 4. Forex Domination Secrets + 6 More Winning Patterns [€9,997 Value]
- 5. Environment Testing & Candlestick Secrets [€4,997 Value]
- BONUS #1: How to Spot Strong Buyers and Sellers [€9,997 Value]
- BONUS #2: Correction Waves vs. Continuation [€4,997 Value]
- BONUS #3: Stop-Loss & Take-Profit Automation Secrets [€3,997 Value]
Total Value: €40,976.00
- Special first 500 seats offer -
Click button ‘Complete your order’
to receive 3 course and Bonuses
What Bonuses Will You Get?
Bonus #1
How to Spot Strong Buyers and Sellers
❗ First 50 People Only ❗
Bonus #2
Correction Waves vs. Continuation
❗ First 100 People Only ❗
Bonus #3
Stop-Loss & Take-Profit Automation Secrets
❗ First 200 People Only ❗
What You will also find in the course.

- How to Read Charts Independently with Technical Analysis
- How to know when Sellers or Buyers are coming In
- How to Spot & Use 6 Winning Patterns
- How to Exit the Trade, based on the Benchmark or number of pips (lenght of Wave)
- How to Read Fundamental News
- At what time Enter the market the most
- What kind of mistakes to Avoid (saving lots of money)
- What kind of Broker to choose
- Where to look Economic Informations influencing the Market

Our Students' Transactions

In 2010 my life changed drastically
I didn’t want to prove anything by posting these pictures, but visualise how beautifully I live and You can live too. I work from a beach when I wish to. I get to meet new interesting people, my Korean friend is one of them. She is the owner of a French restaurant in Cancun. I visit Poland only in summer just to see my family, including my lovely mother. After gaining financial independence I have a chance of meeting new fantastic people all over the world that have many different interesting hobbies.
Who you become after the course?
Thanks To all That:
Begin to work completely independently without anyone telling You what to do. Stop thinking about the future and start the course today, which will teach You how to invest and let you gain financial freedom. Thousands of our students achieved this, and You can too!

« You can Trade with your Phone
« You will spent from 1h to 3-4h only, while Trading
« You don’t need a Boss anymore
« You can increase your volume anytime

« You will trade literally any liquid Instrument (99% instruments that you probably know are super-liquid)
« You will spend time how you really want
« You can start Teaching trading to other People
How our Clients are Trading Now..
Our clients reviews

Why it is worth to gain independence?
You can do it too!
- 1. Day Trader Making (€700-€1200 a Day) at Home
- 2. Have Certified Investing Skills
- 3. Know How To Read Clear Charts Perfectly
- 4. Be Able To Work In Any Trading Firm Worldwide
- 5. Be Able to Work In A Bank or On A Trading Floor
6. Know How To Teach Trading To Others
(Institutions, Individuals, Trading Companies, Banks)
- 1. Forex Edge: The One Winning Pattern [€4,997 Value]
- 2. Meta Trader Software Secrets [€497 Value]
- 3. Forex Fast Track Secrets [€1,497 Value]
- 4. Forex Domination Secrets + 6 More Winning Patterns [€9,997 Value]
- 5. Environment Testing & Candlestick Secrets [€4,997 Value]
- BONUS #1: How to Spot Strong Buyers and Sellers [€9,997 Value]
- BONUS #2: Correction Waves vs. Continuation [€4,997 Value]
- BONUS #3: Stop-Loss & Take-Profit Automation Secrets [€3,997 Value]